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Boiler Burning lots of fuel
- Check for leaks in the fuel supply lines or tank that may be allowing oil to escape. Seal any leaks found.
- Inspect the oil burner nozzle for proper size and spray pattern. Replace nozzle if worn or oversized.
- Verify the fuel pump pressure setting and adjust if higher than nozzle manufacturer specification.
- Clean the fuel filter and replace if excessively dirty. Clogged filters increase oil consumption.
- Inspect combustion chamber and flue for soot buildup which can lower boiler efficiency over time. Clean thoroughly.
- Check the cad cell/photocell sensor that controls the burner. Replace if intermittently firing burner.
- Have a technician perform a combustion analysis to optimize air-fuel ratio. Improvements can reduce fuel use.
- Consider adding an outdoor temperature sensor reset control to modulate firing rate based on heating demand.