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Broken Weatherheads and Missing Covers
- De-energize the wires – Have the power company disconnect electrical service at the pole and meter. Verify wires are de-energized.
- Remove damaged weatherhead – Unscrew any damaged conduit fittings to detach the old weatherhead for replacement.
- Clean conduit ends – Sand and file the cut conduit ends to clean smooth edges for reconnection.
- Install new weatherhead – Thread new weatherhead onto the conduit ends protruding from the roof/mast. Tighten securely.
- Reconnect wires – Feed the utility wires back through the new weatherhead and reconnect leads with proper connectors.
- Caulk seals – Caulk around conduit and weatherhead to create a watertight seal against the elements.
- Restore power – Notify the utility company to re-establish service connection and restore electrical power.
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