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Doorknob / latch not working
- Check that the door is aligned properly and not warped, binding the mechanism.
- Ensure the spindle and latch bolt are able to move freely and are lubricated. Use powdered graphite or spray lubricant.
- Remove knob and inspect interior components for wear, damage or loose parts. Replace any worn springs or pins.
- Verify the latch bolt is retracting fully when rotating knob. File edge if scraping against strike plate.
- Adjust strike plate placement if misaligned from latch bolt, causing binding.
- Tighten any loose interior component screws but do not overtighten.
- Clean out any accumulated dirt, debris or paint buildup inside mechanism.
- Replace knob/lever handles if interior components still do not move smoothly.
- Consider replacing entire lockset if significant internal damage and components are unserviceable.
- Call a locksmith for professional assessment if troubleshooting does not reveal cause.
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