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Extension cords under doors
- Damage to wiring insulation – Constant rubbing against the door threshold when opened/closed can wear down and expose wire insulation over time. This can lead to dangerous shorts or electrocution risk.
- Fire hazard – Exposed wires under high current load have more potential to overheat or spark at the point of insulation damage. This can ignite fires.
- Tripping hazard – Power cords running through doorways pose a trip risk to home occupants which can cause injury.
- Door blockage – Cords prevent the door from fully closing and sealing. This allows cold air infiltration into the home, increasing heat loss.
- Condensation build up – Temperature differences cause moisture to condense on cold cords as they transition from cold to warm areas. This moisture can penetrate cords.
- Chewed wires – Rodents may be attracted to the insulated cords for nest material and chew through the protective insulation.
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