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Types of smoke detectors
- Battery powered smoke detectors – These basic battery-operated units are very common because they are inexpensive and easy to install anywhere without wiring.
- Ionization smoke detectors – Ionization types are common because they are better at detecting the fast flaming fires typical of rural homes with wood heating and cooking.
- Photoelectric smoke detectors – Photoelectric models are also common in rural areas to provide better detection of smoldering, smoky fires.
- Dual sensor smoke detectors – Combination ionization/photoelectric models are becoming more popular for their ability to detect both fire types.
- Hardwired with battery backup – Some rural homes, especially newer construction, has hardwired, interconnected smoke detectors with battery backup power.
- Smoke alarms with strobe lights – Strobe light alarms are sometimes installed to alert those who are deaf or hard of hearing.
- Wireless interconnected models – As rural internet access expands, wireless communicating smoke detectors are gaining adoption.
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