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Arctic Box / Utilidor Falling off the side of the home
- Assess the damage – Check for broken, loose, or corroded mounting hardware causing the separation from the house. Also look for rot or deterioration of the wall structure.
- Shore up or support the Arctic Box temporarily using braces or jacks until repairs can be made.
- Remove any remaining loose hardware or damaged pieces of the mounting frame.
- Reinforce the wall structure – Add plywood, timbers, or a metal plate to reinforce the area and provide solid attachment.
- Fabricate and install new mounting frame – Use treated lumber in this wet environment. Attach firmly to wall reinforcing.
- Carefully lift and reposition the Arctic Box onto the new frame. Have helpers to lift safely.
- Bolt through the Arctic Box frame into the new mounting frame using stainless steel hardware. Apply sealant around bolts.
- Check that all plumbing, electrical, and sewer connections are still intact. Detach and re-mount any that are damaged or have come loose.
- Test systems thoroughly before returning the Arctic Box to full service.