The Bering Straits Regional Housing Authority (BSRHA), headquartered in Nome, Alaska, is a primary service provider of affordable housing projects including new construction, modernization, rehabilitation, and weatherization of current homes, and the acquisition of homes throughout the Bering Straits Region. With a current inventory of over 400 units in 17 villages, BSRHA is continuing to work to provide housing opportunities, as well as employment, training, and educational opportunities. With an approach to providing services, our goal is to build and provide homes for residents of our region to thrive in. We appreciate you taking the time to review our programs and information. Please feel free to contact us if you are interested in any of our programs or services.
The Bering Straits Regional Housing Authority provides affordable, decent, sanitary, and safe housing opportunities to low-income families in the villages throughout the Bering Straits Region. We serve the communities of Brevig Mission, Little Diomede, Elim, Gambell, Golovin, King Island, Koyuk, Mary’s Igloo, Savoonga, Shaktoolik, Shishmaref, Solomon, Stebbins, St. Michael, Teller, Unalakleet, Wales and White Mountain.
For more information about the villages we serve, please click here and it will bring you to the Kawerak Inc. Communities Page.