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Soil washed / blown away
- Install downspout extenders or flexible piping to redirect roof water flow well away from the house to prevent soil erosion nearby.
- Construct lined drainage channels, swales, or berms to capture runoff and guide it safely to a collection area.
- Use rain chains instead of downspouts to gently disperse water and reduce impact on underlying soil.
- Plant native grasses, shrubs or trees in areas vulnerable to water and wind erosion to stabilize the soil with roots.
- Cover bare ground around the home with erosion-control mats, gravel, or wood mulch to protect soil from direct water contact.
- Build terraced retaining walls or raised garden beds to break up and contain rainfall before it picks up speed down slopes.
- Ensure proper grading slopes water away from the house and prevents it from pooling near soil.
Explore How-To Videos
‘How-To’ Videos > Interior Home > Interior Hallway, Stairs, Railings
‘How-To’ Videos > Common Items (common issues throughout the home) > Electrical Outlets
‘How-To’ Videos > Interior Home > Mechanical Room > Boiler Temperature & Pressure