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Broken or Rusted Ground Rods
- Visually inspect the ground rod if possible – Look for obvious damage like the rod being bent, cracked, or uprooted.
- Check ground resistance – Use a earth/ground resistance tester. A high reading over 25 ohms may indicate a disconnected or damaged ground rod.
- Inspect ground wire connections – Check if the ground wire connections to the rod are corroded or loose which could cause intermittency.
- Follow ground wire path – Ensure the ground wire is intact and connected back to the main panel and not damaged.
- Measure continuity – Use a multimeter set to continuity test mode to check for continuity between the ground rod and ground wire. No continuity points to a break.
- Listen for arcing – If able to safely isolate power, listen closely to the ground system for any arcing sounds which could mean a loose, corroded, or detached point in the ground path.
- Consider environmental factors – Nearby digging, landscape work, etc. may have damaged an underground section of the ground rod or wire.
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