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Expansion Tank Pressure relief valve tripping
- Check the expansion tank pressure and compare to system pressure. Refill tank air to match if needed.
- Inspect tank bladder or diaphragm for damage. Replace tank if bladder is defective and allowing water through.
- Make sure the tank is sized adequately for the system volume and temperature. Upgrade if undersized.
- Check for incorrectly closed valves preventing water from returning to tank when heated. Open all returns.
- Monitor system pressure for signs of over-pressurization from faulty fill valves or pumps. Repair cause.
- Inspect relief valve for mineral deposits or defects not allowing it to re-seat properly. Fully open and flush valve.
- Make sure there is no isolation valve restricting flow to relief valve inlet. Remove any valves found.
- Test valve discharge capacity and lift pressure. Replace if not operating to stated specs.
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