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Exposed wires
- Turn off power at the main breaker panel – This ensures wires are not live when working on them.
- Inspect the length of the wire – Locate both ends to determine the circuit and areas fed by the exposed wire.
- Cover or cap any exposed conductors – Use electrical tape or wire nuts to temporarily cover the end of exposed copper wires.
- Test wires with a non-contact voltage tester – Verify power is off before handling.
- Evaluate the wire – Check if it is nicked, corroded, or damaged. Replace any compromised sections.
- Reroute or extend to eliminate exposed section – Staple to joists, run through drilled holes, or use conduit for protection.
- Insulate and cover repaired area – Wrap repaired section with electrical tape and secure back into wall or ceiling finish.
- Check for additional exposed wiring – Perform thorough inspection for any other compromised wiring that needs repair.
- Update house wiring – If exposure is due to inferior old wiring, consider rewiring the home to prevent other issues.
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