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What is an open neutral or open leg?
- If you have the symptoms below, call an electrician or power plant operator.
- Positive voltage reading from a neutral wire.
- Electrical shock when contacting a neutral wire.
- 120V outlets working, 240V appliances not working – With only one hot leg working, standard 120V circuits may seem fine while larger 240V appliances like ovens, AC units, and dryers won’t function.
- Dimming or flickering lights – As the neutral connection opens and closes, lights will dim or fluctuate in brightness as power flow is disrupted.
- Appliances not working – Open neutrals can disable appliances if they are unable to complete the circuit.
- Overheating wires – Electricity will seek any path to return, which can cause wires to overheat without a proper neutral connection.
- Tingling sensations – If you come in contact with appliances where electricity finds an alternate return path, you may feel tingling or shock sensations.
- Circuit breakers tripping – The imbalance in power may continually trip circuit breakers as electricity flows erratically.
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