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Sparks or burning electrical smells
- Turn off power at the breaker – Shut off the circuit breaker supplying power to the affected outlets/lights.
- Inspect the outlet or switch – Unscrew to remove the cover plate and look for signs of burned wires, smoke damage or melted plastic.
- Check connections – Make sure all wires are making proper contact and nothing is loose. Tighten all terminal screws securely.
- Check the wire gauge – Sparking can occur if the wires are undersized for the circuit. Confirm correct wire size.
- Look for damaged insulation – Exposed copper or signs of arcing can indicate damaged wire insulation. Replace if found.
- Test components – Use a multimeter or voltage tester to check for proper voltage. Faulty outlets/switches should be replaced.
- Clean contacts – Use electrical contact cleaner spray to clean outlet contacts and prevent sparking.
- Call an electrician – If the issue persists, call a licensed electrician to fully inspect and make necessary wiring repairs.
- Replace old wiring – Consider rewiring the outdated circuit with modern copper wiring to prevent continued issues.
- Check grounding – Inadequate circuit grounding can also cause sparking hazards. Ensure proper ground connections.
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